For Your Convenience
Infection Control & Disease Prevention is Monongalia County Health Department’s newest program. However, these services have always been offered to the community but grew to prominence during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Combining these positions under one umbrella allows MCHD to provide more efficient and focused disease investigations.
Our staff is composed of an epidemiologist, or disease investigator; a case investigator and a registered nurse.
They are tasked with conducting outreach to area nursing homes, long-term care facilities, public schools and other institutions. They track and manage outbreaks of communicable diseases and serve as liaisons between the community and the state.
They also work with facilities to prevent future outbreaks and report all results to the state.
ICDP is your local contact to report a communicable disease. This can be done by calling the health department at 304-598-5172 or for emergencies, you can use the after-hours line, 304-680-4357.

News & Announcements
MCHD’s Dr. Lee Smith attends Summit on COVID-19 Equity at White House
Press ReleaseDec. 7, 2022 - MORGANTOWN, WV (Dec. 7, 2022) — As the COVID-19 pandemic continued and some populations expressed hesitancy about getting a vaccine, a group of health care work...
Continue Reading →Monongalia Co. ranked first in health in West Virginia; STI rates high
Infection Control & Disease PreventionApr. 20, 2023 - Monongalia Co. ranked healthiest in West Virginia; STI rates high MORGANTOWN, WV (Apr. 20, 2023) — According to the latest annual report from the County Hea...
Continue Reading →I'm vaxxed to the max & I mask up. Luckily, my COVID case wasn't too bad
Infection Control & Disease PreventionJan. 19, 2022 - By Mary Wade Burnside The omicron variant of COVID-19 is no joke. Cases are skyrocketing. Omicron is very infectious and individuals who take all recommended p...
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