MCHD WIC's Morgantown office is moving to a new, updated location

Jan. 27, 2025
By Mary Wade Burnside
Monongalia County Health Department’s Morgantown WIC office will be closed this week, but it’s for a great reason.
The nutritionists, breastfeeding counselors and other staffers, along with participants of the Women, Infants and Children federal program who visit our site, will be getting an upgrade.
We’ll be spending this week moving into WIC’s new digs, located at White Birch Tower, just baby steps across from the entrance to Mon Health Medical Center. The new address will be 1311 Pineview Drive, White Birch Tower II, Suite 400.
“I think it will be an exciting opportunity for us to have facilities that will better meet the needs of our staff and our participants,” said Cami Haught, MCHD WIC program director.
MCHD oversees WIC offices in six counties. In addition to Monongalia County, they are Preston, Marion, Harrison, Doddridge and Taylor.
WIC provides nutrition, breastfeeding support, health education and other services, free of charge, to pregnant women, mothers, infants and children up to the age of 5 who qualify.
Office changes aren’t new to MCHD WIC. The Harrison County WIC office was relocated from Clarksburg to Bridgeport in 2018; and the Taylor County office recently moved into the new Grafton-Taylor County Health Department.
“We are extremely excited with the new WIC location,” said Anthony DeFelice, Monongalia County Health Department’s executive director. “The location is centrally located, close to Mon Health Medical Center and Ruby Memorial Hospital, and has public transportation access. We really appreciate the support from the Monongalia County Commissioners with this project.”
The now-former Morgantown WIC office, on Elmer Prince Drive adjacent to WVU’s Health Sciences campus, was built about 100 years ago as a nursing dormitory. The new building offers more updated features.
“So, to make it a more comfortable environment for staff and clients, we are moving,” Haught said.
This week, WIC participants who have issues that need quick attention, such as a nursing mother with breastfeeding questions, can call the Fairmont WIC office at 304-366-2387.
Benefits of the new location will be larger offices that will be more comfortable for employees as well as a cheery new waiting room featuring a mural filled with fun animals and “WIC” spelled out in clouds.
“I think it’s adorable,” Haught said. Every time I walk in, I smile. It’s so stinking cute.”
The old WIC building had also been equipped with an updated kitchen that was built by Monongalia County Health Department maintenance supervisor Greg Campbell. It’s the site used to create dishes for the WIC Kitchen recipe story that appears monthly in the Dominion Post, as well as a blog on the health department’s website and social media.
“We are going to be moving some of the cabinets and we will also be moving the fridge, freezer and the stove,” Haught said. “We’ll still be able to do our Dominion Post recipes, but some of the cabinetry will have to be left behind for now.”
WIC participants will be getting messages about the move via their preferred methods of communication, Haught noted. The move will be final before Monday, Feb. 3, the first day that clients will be having appointments at the new location
“We’ll be completely ready for them to come to that clinic and see us,” Haught said.
More information can be found on our website. Click here to see directions to the new location.
And the phone number will remain the same: 304-598-5181.
Mary Wade Burnside is the public information officer for Monongalia County Health Department.