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MCHD will provide blood screenings, adult vaccines at Community Health Fair

Apr. 17, 2024

MCHD will provide adult vaccines, blood screenings at health fair

MORGANTOWN, WV (April 17, 2024) — Monongalia County Health Department will be participating in Woodland United Methodist Church’s Community Health Fair, which will take place at the church on Mileground Road from 8 a.m. to noon on Saturday, April 20.
Nurses from MCHD Clinical Services will conduct low-cost blood screenings that require fasting and also will offer adult vaccines, including hepatitis A and B, Tdap, shingles, HPV and pneumonia.
“We’re always looking for outreach opportunities at Monongalia County Health Department, and this event is part of a grant that allows us to focus on getting health care to faith-based communities,” said Jennifer Goldcamp, RN, MCHD’s director of nursing.
The grant, through the National Association of County and Health Officials (NACCHO), is called Improving Vaccine Access, Education and Outreach through Faith-Based Partnerships.
“Through this grant, MCHD collaborates with faith-based partners to identify and implement strategies to help us better understand what we can do to overcome barriers that keep people from getting vaccines,” Goldcamp said.
Additionally, noted Woodland UMC outreach coordinator Sandy Rogers, representatives from different mental health agencies will be handing out information on their services.
“We want to help educate the community on the resources for health and mental health,” said Rogers, who is also a social worker. “Especially with mental health, a lot of people are struggling right now, and we might be able to help someone get the help they need.”
In addition to health services, attendees can also have their blood pressure taken and get information about the West Virginia Breast and Cervical Cancer Program as well as diabetes. Dental products will also be available.
Woodland United Methodist Church will be offering a light breakfast for attendees.





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