Community Training
For Your Convenience
Monongalia County Health Department offers training in naloxone (Narcan) administration, Stop the Bleed and Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) through its Threat Preparedness program, as well as Food Safety and Certified Pool Operator training through Environmental Health.
The average EMS response time is approximately seven minutes. Within four minutes you can bleed to death from a major injury or have permanent brain damage from lack of oxygen due to cardiac arrest. You can save a life until help arrives.
Individuals in the Monongalia County area who wish to set up training for five or more individuals can contact Joe Klass, chief of operations for Monongalia County Health Department’s Threat Preparedness program, at
Those who want to learn more about Food Safety Training can click here to see the options Monongalia County Health Department offers.
And individual interested in taking the Certified Pool Operators course can click here.

CPR is an emergency lifesaving procedure performed when the heart stops beating. Immediate CPR can double or triple chances of survival after cardiac arrest, according to the American Heart Association. CPR is highly effective in restoring blood circulation and oxygenation to vital organs during a cardiac arrest.
Participants will use both adult and infant CPR dolls to learn hands-on CPR techniques.
If performed in a timely manner, it is estimated that CPR could save 100,000-200,000 lives annually in the United States.
American Heart Association CPR training is broken up into two types: Heartsaver ($65 per student) and Basic Life Support (BLS) ($60 per student). Heartsaver is for non-medical personnel and focuses on CPR/AED use in the community. BLS is for medical providers or those who want to be medical providers and focuses on CPR/AED use in health-care or first responder settings.
Upon successful completion of course, students will get a two-year CPR card from the American Heart Association.
Class length: Three to five hours, depending on class size and type of class (Heartsaver vs BLS)
Food safety training

Monongalia County Health Department offers three levels of food safety training: food manager certification, person-in-charge training and food worker training.
Download the 2024 Food Safety Training Schedule
Food worker training is required for all persons involved in preparing, storing or handling food in restaurants and other facilities offering food for sale to the public.
Class length is about 45 minutes. Registration begins 30 minutes prior to class. It's best to arrive early because seating and parking can be limited. A photo ID is required for registration.
The training costs $10 per year. Cards expiring in one, two ($20) or three years ($30) are available.
Online food worker training
- MCHD is pleased to offer online food worker training provided by The course costs $20. It takes about two hours to complete and you must pass a test at the end.
- StateFoodSafety is the only online food service worker course we accept. Please be sure to take the Monongalia County course.
- Course registration will ask for the name and address of the facility or volunteer organization you work for, so it will be helpful to have that information available before you start. If you are not employed or not volunteering, please put N/A in those fields.
- We now have three options for the Online Food Worker Training Course. Click on a link below to take the course that best suits your needs:
- Option 1: one-year certification valid in Monongalia County only ($20)
- Option 2: one-year certification valid statewide ($25)
- Option 3: two-year certification valid statewide ($30)
- Option 4: three-year certification valid statewide ($35)
- Off-site food worker training
- Many employers and organizations ensure their workers comply with training requirements by sponsoring an onsite food worker course. MCHD is pleased to offer this service for groups of 20 or more.
- The cost is typically $200 plus card fees. Please contact 304-943-7773 to schedule a course.
- Temporary food worker training
- We offer temporary food worker cards every weekday (except for holidays) from 9-11 a.m. and 2-3 p.m. Candidates must study informational sheets (available below) and then complete a 10-question worksheet.
- Temporary cards cost $1 for each week issued. All cards expire the day of the next scheduled food workers class. Temporary card holders are expected to attend that class.
- Download Temporary Food Worker Study Material
Online person-in-charge training
The Food Code requires a designated PIC to be in the food establishment during all hours of operation (2- 101.11(A)). The PIC is required to demonstrate knowledge of foodborne disease prevention, HACCP principles, and the requirements of the Food Code. The Monongalia County Health Department's online PIC course is available with a fee of $65. You will have 30 days to complete the course once you create your account. It takes about four hours from start to finish and you must pass a test at the end. Please have the name and address of your food service facility available for the registration process. You may read about the course, watch a preview video and take the course here.
Food manager certification ServSafe
The 2013 Food Code requires all food establishments to have at least one management level employee who is certified in food protection by passing an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited exam. Our Food Manager Training Course will help to prepare you to meet this requirement.
At the end of the course, we will proctor the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals CFPM exam. A score of at least 75% is required for certification.
The course costs $150 per person; this includes the exam fee. It is day and half in length, meeting from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. the first day. The second day from 8:30 a.m.-noon.
Individuals who are not fluent in English are encouraged to bring a translator. The exam itself is available in several languages.
Pre-registration with payment is required at least 21 days prior to the class. You must provide a photo ID prior to taking the test.
A one-year food worker card will be issued to all class attendees.
Certified food manager exam
Well-qualified candidates can take the ServSafe exam without the course. A score of at least 75% is required for certification.
The exam-only option is $100; an optional study manual can be purchased at any time prior to the test for $25.
You must pre-register with payment no later than 21 days prior to the test date.
For testing purposes, arrive at 8:30 a.m. You must provide a photo ID prior to taking the test.
Onsite registration begins 30 minutes before testing times.
To pre-register, use the ServSafe application and select the Exam-Only option.
Food manager certification National Registry
The 2013 Food Code requires all food establishments to have at least one management level employee who is certified in food protection by passing an American National Standards Institute (ANSI)-accredited exam. Our Food Manager Training Course will help to prepare you to meet this requirement.
At the end of the course, we will proctor the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals CFPM exam. A score of at least 75% is required for certification.
The course costs $150 per person; this includes the exam fee. It is day and half in length, meeting from 8:30 a.m.-4 p.m. the first day. The second day from 8:30 a.m.-noon.
Individuals who are not fluent in English are encouraged to bring a translator. The exam itself is available in several languages.
Pre-registration with payment is required at least 21 days prior to the class. You must provide a photo ID prior to taking the test.
A one-year food worker card will be issued to all class attendees.
Certified food manager exam
Well-qualified candidates can take the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals CFPM exam without the course. A score of at least 75% is required for certification.
The exam-only option is $100; an optional study manual can be purchased at any time prior to the test for $25.
You must pre-register with payment no later than 21 days prior to the test date.
For testing purposes, arrive at 8:30 a.m. You must provide a photo ID prior to taking the test. Onsite registration begins 30 minutes before testing times.
To pre-register, use the Manager's Class Registration form and select the Exam-Only option.
Naloxone (Narcan)

Naloxone, also known by the brand name Narcan, is a safe and easy-to-use medication used to reverse the effects of an opioid overdose. Anyone can carry naloxone and be in the position to help a friend, family member or stranger by administering naloxone and then calling 911 to get help.
The Monongalia County QRT, a multi-agency group led by Monongalia County Health Departments, promotes naloxone education with private classes as well as Save a Life Day events that are held periodically in Monongalia County. Classes can be held for groups or individuals.
Class length: 45 minutes

Recreational water facilities
In order to promote and protect the public's health and ensure that all public swimming areas are operated in a safe and sanitary manner, all public swimming facilities, known as recreational water facilities, are permitted and inspected by Monongalia County Health Department.
There are more than 100 recreational water facilities in Monongalia County. These include swimming pools, hot tubs and bathing beaches, located in hotels, apartments, recreation centers, public parks and so forth.
All recreational water facilities are inspected at least twice a year, including seasonal pools. In addition, all open facilities are visited every two weeks for a chemistry check to measure the chlorine level and pH of the pool.
Certified Pool Operator training
Certified Pool Operator (CPO) training for your staff will fulfill the requirement for a Qualified Water Facility Operator as stated in the West Virginia Legislative Rule for Recreational Water Facilities 64CSR 16 9.1. CPO training will also give your staff the knowledge and skills to successfully operate your aquatic facility. Classes are held at the Monongalia County Health Department in Morgantown.
We offer the following training options:
CPO Training Schedule
There are currently no CPO classes scheduled at this time.
Payment is due at time of registration, no late registrations are accepted. Class sizes are limited to allow for social distancing. Seats are filled on a first come/first serve paid basis.
Please call 304-598-5131 for more information.
If you have any questions about your current certification or need a copy of your certificate, you must contact PHTA in Colorado directly at 719-540-9119 or
- If you have not taken the CPO class before or your CPO certificate has expired - Fee
- Two-day class – Traditional two-day classroom training with a test at the end of the second day – $350
- Pool primer online training + One day of class (second day of the two-day class) + test – $400
- If you have a current CPO certificate that you want to renew: Fee
- Two-day class – Traditional two-day classroom training with a test at the end of the second day – $350
- One-day review – One-day class (second day of the two-day class) + test – $350
- Exam Only – Pool primer online training + test at the end of the two-day class: $300
Note: To qualify for one-day review or exam only, your CPO certificate must still be current on the day of the class.
- Pool math workbooks are available at time of registration for an additional $20.
- Pool math workbooks ordered after registration are $20 plus $8 shipping.
- No registrations are accepted less than one week before the date of the class.
Why choose Monongalia County Health Department for CPO training?
- One of the lowest-cost CPO classes in West Virginia.
- Instructor is a registered sanitarian (inspector) with Monongalia County Health Department and has extensive knowledge of West Virginia pool regulations, as well as 15 years’ experience in recreational water facility inspections.
All students will receive a current copy of the Pool and Spa Operator Handbook. Students who register two weeks or more before a class will have their Pool and Spa Operator Handbook mailed to their home or business. In addition, primer and test only students will receive an access code to complete the pool primer online training. Online training must be done within six months of the date of the class you are attending.
A discount is available for West Virginia sanitarians. West Virginia sanitarians also receive 12 Registered Sanitarian hours for attending the class.
Recreational water facility permitting
All persons who wish to operate a recreational water facility must first apply to the West Virginia Office of Environmental Health Services – Environmental Engineering Division.
Once your plans have been approved, you must submit an application to the Health Department.
Once you have submitted your application you must schedule an inspection with a sanitarian. They will inspect your recreational water facility to ensure that it is in compliance with all required regulations and that it can be operated in a safe and sanitary manner.
All recreational water facilities must follow the West Virginia Recreational Water Facility Regulations.
This regulation also references the following standards:
- NSPI 1 – 2003 ANSI Standards for Swimming Pools
- NSPI 2 – 1999 ANSI Standards for Public Spas
- APSP 7 – 2006 ANSI Standards for Suction Entrapment Avoidance in Swimming Pools, Wading Pools, Spas, Hot Tubs and Catch Basins.
The West Virginia regulation and the APSP 7 – 2006 ANSI standard are available for download from this website (click links above.) NSPI 1 and NSPI 2 are available for purchase through the APSP website or ANSI Website.
All recreational water facilities must have a qualified water facility operator on staff. A qualified water operator is an individual who has a current Certified Pool Operator (CPO) certification, or has attended one of the other operator training courses approved by the state of West Virginia.
All operators are required to submit a weekly pool report to the health department.
Electronic pool report submission
Facilities that fill out the report form electronically can choose to submit it to the health department using the pool report submission form below. Facilities can still mail or fax report forms if desired.
Note: This is for weekly pool reports only.
For complaints about recreational water facilities please contact us.
Stop the Bleed
Stop the Bleed training will provide instruction on how to recognize and treat life threatening bleeding. STB students will learn how to apply direct pressure to a wound; how to pack a wound to control bleeding and how to correctly apply a tourniquet, either an actual tourniquet or an improvised one.
Class length: One hour